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Your privacy and personal data are important to us. We take great care in protecting any information you provide while conducting research with us. This document outlines JMM Consulting’s policies in this area (including your rights vis-à-vis any data we hold on you) and provides contact details should you need to get in touch with us or register a complaint or concern.


JMM CONSULTING conducts research and consultancy projects using carefully designed methodologies; we are not in the business of holding or selling on personal data, or of using personal data to sell products and services to consumers. When we collect and store any personal data or information, this is only for the purposes of carrying out our work as a research and consultancy provider to our clients.


The regulations and codes we work to

JMM CONSULTING is committed to meeting the requirements of the following laws and codes:

  • The Data Protection Act 1998 (General Data Protection Regulation from 25th May 2018) and any other relevant secondary legislation

  • The Market Research Society’s (MRS) Code of Conduct

Most of JMM CONSULTING’s work takes place within the UK, and occasionally in other EU countries. This means your rights regarding personal data are protected under the GDPR (EU) and DPA (UK) regulations. On the very rare occasions that we send personal data outside the European Union, we do this only because it is necessary to carry out a specific project and we always ensure upfront that the organisations receiving and handling the data work to JMM CONSULTING’s standards of privacy and security and within the terms of GDPR.


Research invitations and involvement

If you are invited to take part in our work, it will be because:

  • You were selected because your opinions and experiences may be relevant to one of the projects we are delivering, for the purposes of research, product/ service development and/or customer feedback

  • You have given permission for a specific company (JMM CONSULTING’s client) to supply your details to another company for research purposes. If you have been contacted by JMM CONSULTING, or a company working on our behalf, and do not believe you have given your permission to be part of the research or would like to have your name and data removed from the data base for the project for any other reason, please let us know (by communicating with your contact on the project or JMM CONSULTING’s Data Protection Officer, whose contact details are at the end of this document) and we will remove you from the relevant list. If you would like your details permanently erased, we will inform the relevant organisation who supplied your name and contact details that you would like your name and details to be deleted and not used again for research purposes.

  • Your co-operation in any JMM CONSULTING project is voluntary at all times. On certain projects incentives will be provided to people who take part to compensate for their time and travel on a project (it’s also a way of saying thank you for your help!). These will be administered by the JMM CONSULTING project lead and the terms and payment will be agreed with each participant before you contribute to the project. You will be asked to confirm by signature that you have received the incentive payment.

  • We never knowingly invite children under the age of 16 to participate in research studies without taking measures to ensure appropriate consent from a responsible adult.


The information JMM CONSULTING collects

The information we collect can contain your personal opinions as well as personal information such as name, address, postcode, gender, occupation, age, email address and telephone number. As part of our work, we may also collect personal information and opinions such as your shopping habits and viewpoints on subjects like charity fundraising or television viewing behaviour.


Your responses will always be treated as confidential and anonymous unless you explicitly consent in writing to being identified. This identification could take the form of video and/or images to be used in a presentation to our clients. We may also use quotes or statements made during our interviews to reinforce and support the insights we deliver, but these and any video or images we use will not be attributed to you personally or to your name.


Holding and deleting information

The personal information and data we collect and hold is:

  • Analysed and processed on an aggregated basis along with the responses/ views/ opinions of others who participated in the same research and reported back anonymously to the client that commissioned the study

  • Always stored securely, either by JMM CONSULTING or by companies working on our behalf that have agreed to this privacy policy and which meet our security standards for the sharing and holding of personal data.

We don’t hold personal data unless we need it to carry out a specific project. Any personal details we collect from you and/ or hold will be deleted permanently from JMM CONSULTING’s systems at the end of the particular project in which you are involved. Most of JMM CONSULTING’s projects last between one and six months. Any feedback you provide or other product/ market related information we collect that relates to a particular project will be kept on our system in an anonymised form for a maximum of 12 months and then permanently deleted.


Your access and deletion rights

You are entitled to view, amend, rectify or request deletion of any of the personal details we hold for you at any time. We will aim to carry out all requests of this type within 10 working days.

To request an information access report (in a password-protected Microsoft Excel or CSV data format) which details the information JMM CONSULTING holds about you, please send your request in writing to John Miller (JMM CONSULTING’s Data Protection Officer) at


Making an enquiry or a complaint

If you would like to ask us anything about the way you have been approached and/or how information about you is being collected, processed and stored, please contact JMM CONSULTING’s Data Protection Officer John Miller at or at our business address 61 Dowanhill Rd, London SE6 1SY.


For further details on your rights in relation to data and privacy please visit To lodge a complaint or express concerns regarding the handling of your personal data, please visit for more information about ways of contacting the independent Information Commissioner’s Office.


If you'd like to talk about what is happening with your brand, organisation or want to know more about us and our point of view,

please email John at

or call on ‭+44 7989 949339‬


Copyright @2022 JMM Consulting Ltd. By browsing the website you are agreeing to the terms & conditions of our privacy & cookie policies. JMM Consulting Ltd, Registered address: 61 Dowanhill Rd, London SE6 1SY, Company No. 6358593 

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